König Lab

A company with more than 40 years of experience

Facade of the factory

König Lab makes research, development and marketing of products for veterinary use its main objective.

Its standard is to manufacture, control and guarantee quality. Strict procedural standards, an adequate infrastructure combined with high precision equipment and the latest technology result in high quality products.

The recognized quality and reliability of its products, the efficiency and safety of its industrial processes, its ethical principles and its good commercial practices have contributed to cementing the prestige of König Lab.

König specialist in veterinary products for livestock and companion animals

Building Knowledge

Its products are developed from a long research work. Throughout more than 40 years, it has obtained the knowledge and technology for the synthesis of active principles, developing innovative products, thus providing practical solutions to millions of veterinarians.


König Lab and the environment

Knowing that our planet is a non-renewable resource, König Lab ensures the protection of the environment by complying with strict environmental measures.

Person working in the laboratory